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Invisible beauty of nature at the NewImages Festival 2020

Updated: Oct 26, 2020

How is the Water was selected to pitch at the Financing Market of the NewImages Festival 2020 in Paris in the category “invisible beauty of nature”.

The NewImages Festival in Paris is a pioneer in the domain of virtual reality and celebrates XR in all its diversity. This year, the third edition of this innovation-pushing festival took place, and for the first time also partly online. People on-spot could experience the wonderful selection of many different XR projects and get to know some of the fantastic possibilities that extended realities open to us.

Because of Corona, we stayed at home and visited the festival only virtually, enjoying a range of very interesting talks about XR and its past, present and future development. Another highlight was our pitching session for How is the Water, where we also met old friends from previous festivals. The XR industry feels still like a small family, supportive, open and creative! It is always a pleasure to meet them again, we cannot wait when we can finally attend festivals again in person!



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